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Melvin Village Community Church

Health and Safety Guidelines

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

Welcome to the Melvin Village Community Church!


We encourage everyone to wear a mask during Sunday morning worship services.  You MUST wear a mask If you are not fully vaccinated.

The Executive Committee continues to monitor the health and safety guidelines for our friends and church members for Sunday morning worship.   In view of the current local case rate below 1% we have a few recommendations for services: 

1. The deacons have asked ushers to wear masks on Sunday mornings.  


2. As we worship the Lord, we will sing fewer verses of each hymn.


3. Fellowship time after the service will be outside behind the church during sunny and fair weather. 


If you have concerns and suggestions please see one of the members of the executive committee (Michael McCarthy, Jack Widmer, Debi Lynch, Susie McCarthy, Susan Hugel, Kerry Lynch, Jane Hunter, Traci Van Brunt, Nickie Hunter, Bob Theve, George Faul and Christian Coulter). 


Thank you for your continued flexibility and understanding as we navigate the church ahead. 

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